Messages of condolence

This page shares your messages of condolence and memories of a life richly lived following the sad passing of Academy Founder, Director and President, Sir Neville Marriner.

The Marriner family have been very touched by all the messages of sympathy from people reminding them how much fun it was to be with Neville.

Sir Neville Marriner

Read some of the kind messages below

  • Great people leave behind great sadness. With gratitude to the family for Sir Neville.

    Andrzej Nehrebecki
  • The Music always crying the disappeared of Sir Neville Marriner ... Your beautiful smile and Great love will accompany us until the last note played. RIP My Condolences to the family and musicians to St. Martin in the Fields.

    July Laguna Rodríguez
  • Dear Marriner family - Neville was such a big part of my twenties and thirties and influenced my development so much both personally and musically . He provided a real sense of family ,a mix of fun and hard work and an opportunity to grow amongst the very best players and musicians.Molly was ,of course Mum to us all ! We will all miss him and his good humoured professionalism but personally I feel I've almost lost a father - Those were great days in the 60's ,70's and 80's- with gratitude for all that and more - and sincere condolences to Molly,Susie and Andrew.

    Richard Studt
  • Lamento mucho la muerte de este gran maestro de la música, como fan del barroco he perdido un referente, descanse en paz.

    Emilio Javaloyas Gaudiza
  • We were deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Sir Neville. We have been inspired by him for many years on and off the podium. We will miss him greatly, and would like to send our condolences to Molly and the rest of the family.

    Rachel Ingleton and Gavin McNaughton
  • Shocked and saddened by the loss of Neville. But with deep gratitude and wonderful memories. I will always miss him. With love and sympathy,

  • he taught me to love classical music,when he was a musicmaster at eton college in 1948. i will be forever ggateful a gr eat teacher and a great man

    philip gooodman
  • As the weeks and months pass, the loss of Sir Neville becomes more and more acute. Such a kind, generous man, with a wicked sense of humour. I guess we all thought (or hoped) he was immortal.

  • I have so much to thank Neville for and now I feel that I never properly did.. Just can't believe that he has gone. But what an amazing life, lived to the full right to the end. An example to us all! My deepest condolences and warmest wishes to you all.

    Jenny Godson
  • I was so proud to be invited by Neville to be Associate Principal cellist of ASMF.As a student my ambition was to play for them maybe once.29 years later I can say how proud I have been to work for him, making so many records and concerts around the World.Also Neville & Molly were so kind to my close family.Thank you for everything.

    John Heley & Family
  • To the Marriner Family, my deepest condolences for the terrible loss. To this day I simply refuse to listen to anything other than the ASMF under Sir Neville's baton for much of the standard repertoire, particularly the famed Mozart recordings. And one of the greatest privileges in my musical career so far was playing First Violin in Dvorak, Schumann & Brahms symphonies with the Oxford and Cambridge Musical Club in London under his direction on three separate occasions. Memories of a 'fan boy' trembling inwardly in awe, in conversation with the icon he had grown up listening to are still vivid. The debt the world of classical music owes him knows no bounds. Thank you, Maestro, for setting the gold standard for everything you touched. Anupam Roy, Calcutta, India

    Anupam Roy
  • Dear Marriner Family, Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of Sir Neville Marriner. As a teenager, I was privileged to be exposed to the wonderful chamber music of Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. In the 1980's, I was fortunate to see a live performance. Sir Neville Marriner's music will always remain. Gianna Bern Flossmoor, Illinois USA

    Gianna Bern
  • Such a full life, bringing so much joy and understanding to so many, and a truly lasting legacy. And we cherish memories of those occasions on which we were privileged to meet Neville - so much insight, so much gossip, so much fun!

    Elizabeth and Robert Bennett
  • I am from Japan. Because of Sir Neville Marriner, I fell in love with classical music. Because of Sir Neville Marriner, I realised that peace and beauty could still be found in certain parts of the world. With deepest sympathy, my condolences in Japanese

  • It was our huge privilege to attend Sir Neville's 90th birthday concert at St Martin in the Fields Church on our trip to London from our home in Australia and to shake the great man's hand. We have enjoyed listening to his music over many decades. He has had a remarkable influence on classical music appreciation over his entire lifetime. Thank you for the memories.

    Bruce and Miriam Lattimore
  • Sorry for your loss! So much talent in one individual music man.

    Larry Day
  • We in Melbourne remember Sir Neville with the greatest admiration, fondness and pleasure, as an individual and a musician. We miss him so much.

  • A great musician I had the pleasure to see many times in concert when I was in London. In France we would say: "Un grand Monsieur"

    Jean-Philippe Bernard
  • Just today I learned about this sad News. His work will never be forgotten The music owes too much to him Regards to the academy members and keep enjoying us with your concrets.

    Fernando Hurtado
  • I too am greatly saddened to learn of Sir Neville Marriner's passing. Because of his musical sensitivity, skill and inspiration, he is my favourite conductor and the Academy of St Martin in the Fields is my favourite orchestra. I am glad to have many recordings of this very special partnership, from the earliest recordings to quite recent ones, and have always enjoyed attending Academy concerts. I also remember Sir Neville as the President of the Oxford and Cambridge Musical Club, in which I had the pleasure of playing the cello for him in his inspiring and entertaining orchestral workshops, in which I always learnt something very useful to apply in future music-making. I shall always remember and cherish his brilliant performances, his inspiration and all I learnt from him, and his charm and humour. On learning of his passing, I said a prayer for him when leading my church choir rehearsal. My thoughts and prayers are with his family, the Academy and all others who admired, knew and loved him. He will be greatly missed.

    Julian Zerfahs
  • Such wonderful memories of tours across Germany with Sir Neville, ASMF and Academy Chorus. To be involved in music-making of such high quality was a great privilege and always so much fun with such a conductor! A rare man and greatly missed. If there are angels in heaven then Neville’s probably got them singing Mozart….

  • Sir Neville was a touchstone for all that classical music represents and his loss, both personally and professionally, is immeasurable.

    Caz (Los Angeles)
  • Gran pérdida para la música y para la humanidad. D.E.P. Un abrazo para todos los integrantes de S.M.I.T.F.

    Alvaro Alonso Ibeas
  • It was such a privilege to sing with the ASMF Chorus. Under Sir Neville’s baton, you always wanted to give of your best. A very sad loss, but also a life well-lived and an inspiration to so many.

    Liz Brinsdon
  • Even from Australia, you will be sadly missed, Vale.

    Gerard Fanning
  • Neville Marriner will continue to be in our thoughts for many years as we enjoy the many recordings he made with the Academy. He has lived a wonderful life giving pleasure to countless numbers of music lovers. Sincere condolences to the members of his family.

    Hans van Gemert
  • When I was younger, I was not especially fond of classical music, but I gradually became more interested in it and started listening to WQXR, the classical music station in New York City. Every now and then, the station would play a piece that truly moved me. Invariably, those works would be followed by an announcer saying "That was the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields, Neville Marriner conducting." To this day, the Academy is my favorite orchestra, and Sir Neville my favorite conductor. I have had the pleasure of attending Academy concerts conducted by Sir Neville, and I cherish those experiences. My loss pales next to what his family, friends, and Academy colleagues have lost, but he will be missed by a great many more people he touched with the beauty of his music. The Academy remains as a testament to his artistry, and I will continue to cherish that.

    Martin Fisher
  • Dear Members of ASMF Deeply moved and sad by this great loss. Mtro. Marriner will always be alive in our memories and through his recordings , an extensive legacy always present in our lives. Best wishes Alejandro Arnaiz

  • You and your Academy gave us a musical experience once in a life time. Thank you so much. Rest in peace.

    Renee van der Sluijs, Holland
  • The civilised world has lost one of its greatest workers... I'm so sad that mankind is empying of Great Masters.. Rest in Peace, Sir Neville.

    Manos, Athens
  • We have lost a giant in the field of Classical music. In 1964 I bought my first recording of this brilliant musician with his incomparable Academy of St. Martin in the fields, Handel's concerti grossi Op. 3. The precision, clarity, and vitality of the playing transformed the way I listened to and appreciated early music. By comparison others sounded overly sentimental and mushy. I have acquired as many of Sir Neville's recordings as I could find since then and continue to be deeply affected by them -- especially his Mozart recordings. I think they are the paradigm for the ages. To paraphrase the great Richard Strauss, "Surely Sir Neville's music is what one hears as one approaches the Pearly Gates." Farewell much loved old friend.

    Art Helmbrecht
  • We are truly sorry for your loss. We will surelymiss the presence of a real gifted and kind person as Sir Neville.

    Joseph Paul Jurgas
  • Thank you for enriching our lives, Sir Marriner. Love and peace to his family and all who loved him.

    Carla Sidhom
  • Well done Neville you did a fantastic job. You inspired me & so many other players, as well as the public who came to all your concerts. I played with the Academy in the late 1980`s, it was a joy to play with your guidance & enthusiasm. Goodbye Sir Neville. Your Respectfully. Ron Taylor (Double Bassist)

    Ron Taylor, Double Bassist
  • Here in Germany Sir Neville was not only celebrated for his knowlegde of music, his "natural way" of conducting but also for his gentlemanlike behaviour and his very British sense of humour. Many an unknown Composer from the United Kingdom has been introduced by him after the world war II .A highly estimated embassador of peace and a real European. Ruhe in Frieden!

    Rudolph Remmert
  • I cannot imagine loving classical music as much as I do today without having listened to Sir Neville's recordings of Bizet and Mendelssohn on LP as a child. Nor would I have given opera much notice had it not been for his precise and elegant readings of Mozart and Rossini on CD--recordings of the very top tier which manage to emphasize the genius of the music while being thoroughly approachable. Most wonderful of all is that new generations can continue to discover the power and the fun of music through this recorded legacy. With deep sympathy, and warmest regards.

  • I've loved his recordings ever since I was at school in Newark in the 1960s. My classmate was his niece Anne, so although I never actually met the great man himself I did feel a sense of connection through at least one member of his family. I wonder if Anne would remember me (my maiden name was Hull, and I play the cello.) Sir Neville was a wonderful artist and his recordings introduced me to a lifelong love of the classical repertoire.

    Arderne Gillies.
  • I'm deeply saddened about the death of Sir Neville Marriner. He was a incredible man, witty, insightful, always approachable, and truly interested in people. And he had a wonderful relationship with the players. It was a privilege for me to have been able to work with Neville on a number of tours, recordings and events. My heartfelt condolences go to Molly.

    Ina Wieczorek
  • While I never met Sir Neville, I have had the good fortune to find classical music conducted by him on the Dutch Philips label (vinyl) and the German Deutsche Grammaphon label as well. The music is simply very beautiful to listen to. Vinyl re creates the live performances. Sir Neville, your work is done. Take your rest. I will ' Follow the Beat'.

    Stephen H. Darden
  • How wonderfully fortunate to have been in the Academy Chorus under Neville's baton. We shall miss him greatly and the danily are in our thoughts.

  • He is, and will continue to be, a part of our daily life as we enjoy his legacy of music broadcast in the U.S.

    Krista Wilkie Samson
  • Over many years, I have been uplifted by beautiful music as played and directed by the incomparable Sir Neville Marriner. It was with great sadness that I heard the news of his passing. I will be forever grateful for the joy and delight be brought into my life - a far-away listener in Southern California. My deepest condolences to the Marriner family, as well as the many fortunate musicians who had the great good luck to work with Sir Neville. Many thanks for sharing this remarkable man with people from all over the globe.

    Carol Chaffin Limbach
  • La música pierde un gran artista.

    Juan Gonzalez
  • Thank you! He contributed to my life!

    Dorte Ipsen
  • This is a great loss for all of us, who have enjoyed so many times this marvelous ensemble conducted by Sir Neville Marriner,. I remember having listened it in the beautiful Church of Saint Martin in the Fields, in London, just by the National Gallery, and the great emotion I felt of being there. My deep condolences to all of you. I am so thankful for the marvelous memories I have. I shall never forget him. Sincerely yours. Ms. Isabella San-Esteban, M.S,L.S.,

    Isabella San-Esteban. Mexico
  • So sorry to hear that the founder of the Academy has passed on but thank you Neville Marriner for your wonderful work over so many years. To me ASMF is a magnificent orchestra and I'm sure Joshua Bell will continue the good work. RIP Neville Marriner and my thoughts go to his family

    Rose Curtis
  • He fired my interest in baroque music as a student in the early 1970s, and his recordings were some of the first music cassettes I had to play on a cheap little player I bought when I could eventually afford one. They kept me going through the night on my assignments at the Liverpool School of Architecture!

    Robert West
  • Although I cannot be said to have known Sir Neville well, it was one of the greatest honors of my life to have a chance to meet and speak with him on several occasions. As with many people, his name has been familiar to me since I was a child, through the Academy’s recordings played so often on American public radio, and I regarded him as an iconic figure. It is a source of great wonder to me that I somehow ended up with the opportunity for personal contact with him and support for the Academy. From the first time I met him, after a concert at Carnegie Hall some years ago, he was always delightful to me. I rejoice for the many years of glorious music-making Sir Neville gave us all, especially with the Academy, and also that he was spared a lingering illness -- although the sudden farewell is hard for everyone who loved him. Sending my most heartfelt sympathy to Lady Marriner and all the family, and also to the musicians and staff of the Academy. It is a very great loss.

    Patti Lynn Miller
  • To all the Marriner family I wish to say how sad I was to hear of Sir Neville's passing. I will always remember the thrilling concerts in America and Japan in 1988 and all the fun and laughter we had along the way. The musicians who worked with Sir Neville came together to produce the most crystal clear of sounds and the most dynamic performances that I have experienced. Thank you Sir Neville for giving so many of us the chance to play and for the friendship, fun and great music we made and will continue to make in your Academy of St Martin in the Fields

    Paul Speirs
  • A great founder of this great orchestra is no more. One time I meet this wonderful man, Sir Neville Marriner. My warm deep feelings and condolence for his family and the orchestra. Yours Hans Schlebaum, the Netherlands.

    Hans Schlebaum
  • Thank you ever so much for all the wonderful music. From a struggling adolescent working in a music shop in Sydney to where I am today you and your music were always there. The recording of The Lark Ascending with Iona Brown is still and will always be THE one, for me. My sincerest condolences to the Marriner family. Mark - Sydney

    Mark Ko
  • My condolences to everyone at the Academy and to Sir Neville's family. I remember fondly being introduced to classical music through the Water Music and Fireworks about 30 years ago and have loved it ever since. Thank you for making a difference in my life half a world away.

    Ben Hosken
  • My condolences to the Marriner family and the ASMF. The world has lost one of the best conductors ever. The classical music world is grateful for all Sir Neville Marriner did to support the ASMF since it's inception. He will truly be missed. I wish I could have met him and thanked him personally for his contributions to the arts and music. May God Bless the family and ASMF during this difficult time.

  • My sincere condoleances all... and may he rest in peace... Nothing and no one lasts forever... but the world of sheer beauty and wonder he and his likes opened up for me as a kid, to accompany me in good and bad times, ever expanding through the years, will never end to blossom... To the tune which started it all... the tune I kept whistleing in the car for ever when on holiday with the family... untill my father asked me to go quiet...

    Hans Vanmechelen
  • Very sorry to hear the sad news, I only met him a couple of times and he was great fun. Condolences, Rachel.

    Rachel willett/ Organ
  • I feel truly blessed to have known Neville, and will remember him with a fond heart. He had a wonderfully mischievous sense of humour and will be sadly missed. Our sincere condolences are with Molly, Andrew, friends and family

    Philip Leonard
  • I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I was blessed to have been to a wonderful concert conducted by Sir Neville Marriner years ago, and also have many of his recordings! I hope these words from fans give you all comfort. We were blessed by his gifts!

  • On behalf of my husband Gervase de Peyer, I want to express our great sadness at the news of Sir Neville Marriner's death. I have heard my husband mention many times over the years the wonderful moments shared with Neville while they were both members of the LSO. I had the great pleasure of meeting him several times in New York when Gervase was a member of the Chamber Music Society of the Lincoln Center. To his son Andrew, his widow Molly and family, our most sincere condolences. Katia and Gervase de Peyer

    Gervase & Katia de Peyer
  • I grew up listening to and admiring the ASMF, inseparable in my mind from Sir Neville Marriner. Indeed, these memories are an inseparable part of my childhood. My deepest condolences to the Marriner family, and my thanks to them for allowing the world to share in his talent and vision. It is truly the end of an era.

  • 20+ years of singing in the Academy Chorus has given me many of the profoundest moments of my life. Although the words "Thank You" are completely inadequate, I offer them nevertheless to Sir Neville and his family for all that he did for us.

    Charles Grimes
  • Singing, recording, touring and learning under Neville (and Laszlo) for more than twenty years with the ASMF Chorus was one of the greatest and happiest privileges of my life. I treasure the memories and was so happy to have seen and sung for one of the greatest of men at his 90th birthday celebrations. Thank you Sir Neville.

    Richard Kennedy
  • R. I. P. dear Neville, we thought you'd live forever... You had so much life in you it is somehow impossible to imagine that you're gone. Not only were you an outstanding musician you also were the most humble artist we ever met. We shall miss your advice when it came to pointing out young and promising instrumentalists and colleagues, your wonderful sense of humor and your patience when it came to (unfortunately rather fruitless...) attempts to point out the beauty and thrill of the game of cricket to us. You will continue living in our hearts forever, thanks so much for your friendship and your loyaltiy during all those years we had the privilege of knowing you. Our sincere condolences to Molly, the family and the Academy of whom you would have been so very proud on occasion of their concert in your memory at Vienna Musikverein last week.

    Renate & Till, Vienna
  • Dear Molly and the entire family It is with sadness that I write to express condolences from Minnesota. You will remember some wonderful times we all had together including a tour to Hong Kong, lovely performances and repasts. I will forever be grateful for his presence here and the many wonderful memories. With warmest regards, Janet Horvath

    Janet Horvath
  • Dear Molly and Marriner Family-- I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Neville's passing away. He has been such a generous spirit and stalwart supporter of the arts and of artists worldwide, and will be irreplaceable. His artistry and his kindnesses will both be sorely missed. With gratitude for his life and spirit, Kristen Armstrong

  • I was very sad to hear the news of Neville. A truly remarkable person and musician. It was a privilege to have known him. My sincere sympathies to Molly, Andrew and all the family.

    David D
  • In großer Trauer und Anteilnahme sprechen wir unser Beileid zum Tode von Sir Neville Marriner der Familie und dem Orchester der Academy aus.

    Prinz und Prinzessin Adalbert von Preussen

  • A recording by Neville Marriner and ASMF introduced me to Mozart when I was eight years old. I'll never forget the profound impact this has had on my life and his family should know how much better we all are to have had him!

    Jack Thompson (Sydney, Australia)
  • I first encountered the ASMF and Sir Neville in the 1980's movie Amadeus. The music was brilliant and I dragged every friend and relative I could to the theaters to see the movie. I have followed the Academy's work over the years and am so grateful to Sir Neville for bringing this musical vehicle into being. What a rich legacy he has left us. I join you in mourning his loss. Sincerely, Patricia Stiefer

    Patricia Stiefer
  • Sorry to hear the sad news of Sir Neville's passing.

    Justin Farrell
  • Deepest sympathy to the family and friends of certainly one of the musical greats of the last century. Listening to his Mozart's Requiem was the catalyst for making me into the Musician and Artist that I am today. Sincere thanks, may you rest in peace and rise in glory.

    Mr T. F. Asbridge (Director of Music, Woodchurch, Birkenhead).
  • We send our condolences to Lady Marriner, family and friends. Sir Neville’s music has filled our home every day for more than 30 years, and his remarkable concerts made us travel around the world. We love the unique sound he created with the Academy, but also the silence between the notes. We feel sad that the sublime flow of music from his baton has ceased, but his recordings are with us forever.

    Linda Sivertsen & Conrad Bjørshol
  • Sir Neville will be sorely missed by us all music lovers. My thoughts and prayers go to his family, friends and all of his music fellows. His wide musical legacy will live on, either with his renown ASMF or with any other orchestra. God bless, John

    Jean Couture (Qc, Canada)
  • I would like to send my deepest condolences and much love to Molly, Andrew and all the family. I was priviledged to know Neville for many years and I was thrilled to make my soloist debut with him many years ago when I was just a teenager. I have never met a person with such warmth, intelligence, passion for music and wisdom, at the same time being so down to earth and modest. Only the greatest have that quality and he was the greatest of the great. His personality and his musical adventures - those recorded and those which we've experienced with him on stage - are a very big part of education of every musician I know. His personality therefore touched even those who have never met him. Thankfully we have so many records and so many moment to remember. I miss him very much but he will never be forgotten. Alicja Smietana

    Alicja Smietana
  • From singing in the Bach B minor Mass recording through to just recently at Sir Neville’s ninetieth birthday party, being part of the Academy chorus has been a joy and highlight through the decades. Memorable concerts laced with his wicked sense of humour such as one in Germany where he stormed through ‘And he shall purify’ from Handel’s Messiah at break neck speed, were fun and thrilling. It was an honour as a pure amateur to sing with such a dedicated and brilliant musician on and off for over forty years of my adult life. Thank you Sir Neville for the opportunities which made such an impact, not only on me, but indirectly on so many of my young students. Sarah Counter

    Sarah Counter
  • As a boy in rural Bavaria, Germany I used to listen to classical pieces from the academy and Sir Neville every day when I got home from school. To be able to meet him later in London, be invited to his house and enjoy the privilege of seeing him conduct the orchestra is something I will treasure for the rest of my life. Words can not describe this man. Nothing would do him and the way he lived music do justice. I will be forever grateful to him and I know if there is heaven, it just got "even better" because he and his feeling for music are there.

    Andreas J. Goss
  • Whenever someone unfamiliar with classical music but wanting to buy a recording would ask me which recording of whatever I considered the best, I would answer 'You will never err with Sir Neville Mariner'.

  • Some of my early wages back in the 80's were spent on his recordings when there were record shops, very sad!

    Stephen Barnett
  • A great man who lived life well and brought pleasure to so many.

    Nigel Buxton
  • C'est grâce à Sir Neville que j'ai découvert voilà bien longtemps les concertos de Mozart et les symphonies de Haydn dans de merveilleux disques. MERCI !

  • With his exceptional talent, ready wit and wicked humour, working with Neville and the Academy was both a privilege and a challenge, whether as Tea Lady, General Manager or soprano. With Molly at his side he gave much and expected much. I remember so many musical highlights - an inspirational performance in the Musikverein at the end of a particularly hideous day of travel disruption - an unforgettable B minor Mass in Dusseldorf in 1975 - a sparkling concert in the RFH to celebrate his 90th birthday - and many more wonderful memories of music making and fun. Thank you Neville and Molly.

  • As an 18 year old in my last year of high school the Amadeus score filled my soul and would often reduce me to tears. My first real exposure to classical music that 'spoke' to me and stayed with me! Now I am older I understand the great influence Sir Neville had in making this score come alive and walking me through such a poignant time as my own grandmother's passing when music seemed to be the only thing that made some sense. I have now been exposed to so much more of his great talent! His influence in helping music heal or bring joy will continue to ripple through the world way beyond our own time. To his family, deepest condences for your loss and thank you for sharing your husband, father and grandfather with the world.

    Suzo E
  • From a unique set of circumstances Sir Neville and Lady Molly have maintained contact with my handicapped son in Hobart Tasmania for 35 years. His meeting with the maestro seven years ago in Melbourne has left a very happy lasting memory. A delightful meeting for us all. A wonderful man, a wonderful life!

    Joan Bowden
  • The authenticity and love of this man enabled another generation to come to love classical music. We are all grateful recipients of his legacy. Godspeed, Sir Neville.

    David Tong, Oregon
  • following the beat til the final note is heard baton comes to rest

  • As one of the “originals” of the Chorus, which was scratched together through a chain of personal connections to join the Orchestra in taking the B-Minor Mass into Germany, I give heartfelt thanks to those who for whatever reason picked me and about 40 other amateur singers for the job. To sing under Neville's direction was a privilege beyond anything I could ever have expected. Undoubtedly the greatest influence on my amateur music career, spending days and weeks on tour with Neville and the Academy over more than 20 years has given me so much in musical understanding, and in sheer enjoyment of high-quality performance. I am more grateful than I can say to have been a beneficiary of only very small part of Neville's spectacular career, and I feel I have lost a friend as well as a mentor. The whole musical world is the poorer for his death.

  • We missed the opportunity to see Sir Neville one evening as a special guest conductor for the Nashville Symphony several years ago. Now more than ever, we wish we could have attended. To his personal family and the ASMF family, please accept our sincere sympathy for your loss. Thank you for all the beautiful music which will live on for many years to come.

    Michael and Beth Goodcourage
  • I was so very sad to hear the passing of Sir Neville. We shared a house in the 1950's in Notting Hill, and I have very fond memories of those times. The music world has lost one of its great talents. "Thank you Nev, Pat"

    Pat Halling
  • Thank you, Sir Neville, for wonderful years you gave me in the Chorus. It was a privilege too being able to take part in your 90th birthday celebrations in the Royal Festival Hall. I am sorry, though, I didn't quite make the cricket team.

    Giles Andrews
  • As an early member of the Academy Chorus, I have very happy memories of making music with Sir Neville - relaxed but vibrant music-making at its best. And, before, that, when he led the Academy for recordings with King's Choir, my memories of wonderful recording sessions live on to this day. Great man, great musician!

    Tim Brown
  • Ever grateful for all the harmonies I saw into thanks to the marvellous gift of so British a master musician. May he rest in peace eternal.

    Naguib LAHLOU (Fes, Morocco)
  • So sad to learn about Sir Marriner's death. A great man has left us. The accademy will miss him and so will we miss him so much. Farewell and Thank you for what you gave to your public dear Sir.

  • So sorry to hear of Sir Neville's recent death - he will be sorely missed. It was an enormous privilege to be part of the Academy Chorus and be conducted by such a maestro. What outstanding memories

    Sally Crosher
  • A great conductor has died...... I'll enjoy his recordings from the Academy of St. Martins in the fields!!

    Mirjam Erkens Holland
  • Thank you Sir Neville Marriner; the joy you provided is truly not measurable.

    Sulema Ebrahim--Kelly
  • Sir Neville blessed being himself has blessed all of us yet walking this plain.

  • Maestro Marriner conducted Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra in 2009, 2011 and 2013. He left us, here in Zagreb, many gifts, not only in music, but also in his person, always smiling, encouraging, accepting... He left us all at least a little bit better people than we were before listening and meeting him. May he rest in peace, although that idea is quite inconceivable... I mean, Sir Neville Marriner resting... for ever. He has energy and joy for whole heaven and eternity. Thank you, Sir Neville.

    Branimir Pofuk
  • Sir Neville Marriner. A great force for music here in UK, and a wonderful ambassador for British music making abroad. An example to us all of how to approach old age with vigour, humour and ambition. RIP

    Richard Skinner
  • Sir Neville was amazing and I will miss him a great deal ; he was clever , funny and astute . Creating the Academy was brave and a really exciting venture ; directing from the violin and playing expanded chamber music both challenging and great fun . How lucky have we all been to work with someone so normal and so exceptional at the same time.He had high aspirations with feet on the ground .He was for sure one of us however you could never take that for granted! I would like to send much love to Molly and Andrew and all the family in this difficult time , Sarah

    Sarah Newbold
  • I was a nursing assistant at Monks Leys Nursing Home in Lincoln where I still live and I have memories of Sir NevIlle coming to visit his parents. I am very saddened to hear he has died and my thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.

    Jill griffin
  • May your peaceful departure be lovingly rembered eternally.
  • As the radio announcer said "..that was the Academy of you know where, conducted by you know who".

    Alan Marshall
  • I was honored to be able to hear Sir Neville Marriner on 1 occasion - real loss.

    Boris Kaesbach
  • So sorry to hear of Neville's death - but very glad he had a full and active life and died peacefully. I was lucky enough to be at his 90th Birthday concert, and also to hear him speak recently at Putney Music.

  • Sir Marriner has taught me the beauty of classical music through his works. His music will live on and continue to inspire many minds and souls. Rest in Peace, Maestro.

    Sangpil Ahn
  • Like so many colleagues, I had the great pleasure iof working with Neville for 25 years. He will always remain in my memory as one of the most generous, warm and wonderfully kind individuals I have met in my life. That of course in addition to the great consummate musician he was. My deepest sympathies to Molly, his family and the Academy.

    Harold Clarkson
  • I met Sir Neville recently at Putney Music where he shared stories and anecdotes about his career and especially about the ASMF. We spent a very enjoyable evening in his company and he came across as a great character, wonderfully warmhearted. We'll all miss him of course but what an amazing legacy of memories and fabulous recording he has left us! I send my sincere condolences and best wishes to his family.

    Colin Coombs
  • I sang in the Academy Chorus and have such happy memories of the rehearsals, concerts, tours and recordings with Neville. He (and Laszlo!) always seemed to get the best out of us. There were never any airs and graces with Neville who was unfailing professional and gracious to us all, regularly displaying his wonderful sense of humour. What an opportunity and privilege it was to be in the Chorus at that time! My condolences and best wishes to the Marriner family.

    Elaine Close
  • It was October 3 1969 when in the Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam Neville Marriner and the ASMF received their first Edison Classique. On that festive occasion Bach's Brandenburg Concerto no. 5 in D was performed, Neville Marriner playing the violin, Jean-Pierre Rampal, flute and Gustav Leonhardt, harpsichord. 47 Years later, on September 20 2016 Sir Neville once again musically lit up the same hall in conducting the Dutch Chamber Orchestra and Lucas and Arthur Jussen in Mozart's piano concerto KV 242. His care, consummate musicianship and utter joy to make music with young talents (often not even half his age) was just one example of the greatness of this extraordinary human being, who, in his own modest way, used his talents to enrich the world to be a better place. Rest in peace, dear Neville.

    Diny Tecker
  • You brought a sound which was not here before ! Thank you for enriched my life

    Chedly mahfoudh
  • My first ever 'job' in the music industry was with the Academy, for a residency in Mexico City. They were exciting times and I loved every minute. Neville conducted a Beethoven cycle and he was charming and friendly throughout, and a pleasure to work with, and the memory of that tour and the concerts has stuck with me ever since. RIP Neville, and thank you for your inspirational music making.

  • My deepest sympathies to you all. Sir Neville made our world a much brighter and more lively place. It is incomprehensible to grasp he is no longer with us.

    Joanne Wyngard
  • The Trustees of the Pierre Monteux School and I are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Sir Neville -- one of the most respected icons in the world of classical music. Our deepest sympathy and warmest wishes go out to Lady Marriner and the Marriner family. Sincerely, Ron Schwizer Executive Director Pierre Monteux School & Music Festival

    Pierre Monteux School & Music Festival
  • You and your music have added so much to my life...your music will go on forever. Thank you.

  • Condolences and a big thank you for making me realise how good classical music can be a joy to listen to

    Damien G Latchford
  • So sad to hear the news, Sir Marriner you are the most talented artist I have ever met...R.I.P.

  • Für mich war er " Der Sir ", der beste aller Dirigenten. Wir sind extra für das Konzert zu seinem 90. Geburtstag nach London in die Royal Concert Hall gekommen. Am 25.10.2016 hätten wir ihn in Philharmonie in Köln gesehen!

    Hella Körner-Göbel Neuss Germany
  • Working with you was a privilege and great joy. Thank you for everything Neville! Laszlo

  • Maestro, you were one of the greatest. You will be missed. Put on a concert for God.

    Steven Wicihowski
  • Sir Neville Marriner - a shining light, one of the greatest musician of our time and an exceptional human being! I am so greateful for the privilege to have known him personally and for sublime moments together on stage and in recording studios. He will be forever in our memories and in our hearts!

    Maria Prinz
  • Such wonderful memories! 'Nev' extracted from us a series of superb performances, often night after night with long coach journeys around Europe in between. Without ever raising his voice or losing his temper he managed to raise our slighty jaded spirits and - in some cases - hungover heads, and we gave everything we had to please him and the wonderful Laszlo Heltay. Thank you Sir Neville.

    A former ASMF chorus member
  • I am sad with you. Ever since I was swept off my feet my your recording of the Mozart KV 136 divertiimento series I have been a fan of yours. I'll always remember Neville Marriner who navigated you through this faultless, both glitzy and deep, performance and many that followed.

    Paul Rusman
  • My thoughts and prayers are with you. I have such fond memories of Neville and Molly whenever they were in Los Angeles with the LACO. My mother was manager of LACO for a time and Neville and Molly would come to the house for dinner. His kindness is what I will remember most, and of course his tremendous talent. He will be missed but not forgotten .

    Tina Douglas
  • My condolences to the family of a great musician and a genuinely fine human being. His glorious talents, superb performances and warm, humble and mischievous ways will always be treasured memories. Adam Stern Seattle, WA

    Adam Stern
  • I met Sir Neville on several occasions, first when he invited me to attend one of his recording sessions a few years ago in London. This witty, courteous and quietly determined gentleman set a standard of excellence both in the concert hall and in the recording studio that will remain unsurpassed. In tribute I have created a new Facebook group to celebrate his legacy.

    Robert Kenchington
  • As musician and composer I came quite early to the recordings of Sir Neville Marriner, because I liked his approach to keep every instrumental line clear and clean. His vivid interpretations were and are a revelation for me, who doesn`t like anything less than boredom in music. In the last years I flight over to London twice to join Concerts with him and the Academy twice, and I loved every minute of it. I had the opportunity for a little chat after a concert at the Musikverein in Vienna some years ago and he told me the following: "In my rather advanced age I conduct every concert with really big gusto, because I am aware, that this might be my last public appearance..." Well, he lived a full, happy life, was really down to earth and - we shall never forget - at times incredibly funny! His legacy will live on with his recordings and of course in his well-grown child, the Academy of St Martin in the Fields! Rest in Peace, Maestro!

    Johann Teibenbacher, Vienna (Austria)
  • We have lost a great musical genius. Rest in Peace. You have given me so much pleasure and joy to my life.

  • He disfrutado mucho en los conciertos de St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Descanse en paz.

    Eduardo Ferreira
  • It was my privilege and great pleasure to make three recordings of Mozart piano concertos with Neville and the Academy. To be honest, he was my favourite conductor to work with -- a true class act! And everything was made easy, beautiful, and fun. God bless him AND I have a feeling that his outrageous lucky shirt will be spicing up heaven!!

    Ingrid Jacoby
  • The passing of a very much loved man. I would have liked to have known him. Don Withers, Bath.

  • Sir Neville was a philharmonic comet,a shining beacon in the pantheon on music.As we mourn his loss and celebrate his purpose filled life my thoughts remain with the Marriner/Academy Family in this hour of sorrow.I commit his soul to the tender mercies of God.

    Baron von Geoff
  • A great loss to the world of music he gave me great pleasure . My thoughts are with Molly&Family

    Philip Ennis
  • I would like to extend my Condolences to Molly and the Family. He will be sadly missed by Music lovers all the world over.

    Marie EnnisI
  • Addio Maestro.

    Pierre Macarro-Italy
  • Sir Neville was a great man in his understated, yet substantial way.

    Bryan G. Shura
  • I will always be grateful to Sir Neville for helping me discover the rich world of music through his wonderful recordings. Although I was never fortunate enough to see him conduct his warmth and generosity shone from his LPs and CDs. He will be sadly missed by his family and friends and by music lovers everywhere.

    Stephen Oak
  • Sir Marriner's records was one of the first that I'd been introduced to as a child, and over the years as I matured his very ideas, perspectives and ideals of music both influenced and helped me realize my own, both as an Operatic composing and conducting student in training. His passing saddened me greatly as I'd always wanted to work with him- whether as a composer, a musician or a conductor just shadowing the master himself- but he's with the stars now, and with the music he so deeply believed in, and championed in his lifetime. God Bless the legend that is He.

    Zan Koh
  • Recalling attending the 250th anniversary Messiah performance in Dublin and of getting to meet Sir Neville at a signing session in HMV and having a lovely chat with him there. I have many of his recordings with ASMF which I treasure and enjoy. Sincere condolences to his family and his ASMF colleagues at this sad time.

    Margaret Moran
  • My heartfelt condolences to the Marriner Family. Take comfort in a life so well and productively lived, the memory of Sir Neville is immortalised in both the ASMF, and the legacy of excellence he leaves with us all. R.I.P. Sir Neville.

    Steven Butcher
  • Happy memories of playing in Tchaikovsky's Serenade at Dartington Summer School a few years ago. Condolences and best wishes to you all.

    Mike Wheeler
  • I am very,very sorry to hear of the desaese of this wonderfull musician. I heard him very often and it was a special event. My sincere condolences!

    Benita von der Heyden Rynsch
  • I was so sad to hear the announcement of Neville's passing. The end of an era. My love to Molly, Andrew and the members of the Marriner family, with heartfelt condolences and sympathy at this time. During my years spent with the Academy, I grew to love him, respect him and to value his friendship. I will miss him.

    Monya Winzer Gilbert
  • Sir Neville was a really great personality. It was a great honour for me to meet him and Lady Molly twice and enjoy his great musicianship and wonderful humour. Thank you very much for everything, dear Sir Neville. The musical world has lost one of their best.

  • We published this blog post to honour Sir Neville. Isla Baring quotes John Amis' obituary in her own rememberance of this great man. It is with great sadness The Tait Trust announces the death of Sir Neville Marriner last night. He was a personal friend of John Amis and his first wife Diana and his second wife Molly and their son Clarinetist Andrew Marriner. Sir Neville Marriner CH, CBE "It was a life of music making of the highest quality that gave pleasure to many. And if he excelled in the lighter classic on the whole, he could on the occasion dig deep ; he recorded a thrilling Eroica symphony , his Metamorphoses challenges Klemperer and Karajan in his emotional depth, and his set of the Handel Concerto Grossos is still the most satisfying in the catalogue" John Amis 2013 We send our deepest condolences to the Marriner family at the loss of such a great man. We send our deepest condolences to the Marriner family at the loss of such a great man. Isla Baring

    The Tait Memorial Trust
  • Sir Neville Marriner's recording of Bach's Mass in B Minor was one of the first (possibly the first) classical recording I remember, coming across it in my father's small collection when I must have been under the age of 10. I never managed to see him conduct live, but I'll always have this fond memory of him. Rest in peace.

  • Sir Neville conducted the RAM Chamber Orchestra when I was leading. He was so very good - he worked calmly and with such a friendly manner. I never forgot how he nursed me through the Stravinsky Pulcinella solos. He even left me believing I was successful when he could have shown the kind of playing he was used to! I have very fond memories of him. We shall miss him.

    Roger Stimson
  • It was such a pleasure to meet Neville when he came to Putney music - he was so generous of his time and spoke to well and eloquently - even though he had just flown in from Japan! We are so grateful to him as he was such a major musical influence on me since I first took to classical music. My condolences to all his family. We are so lucky to have Andrew to continue the musical tradition and whom I have the great pleasure or working with when I sing in the chorus (London Symphony Chorus.). Robert.

    Robert Garbolinski
  • It was a very sad news to know about Sir Neville passing. He was an absolute model for music lovers, giving a new and full dimension to chamber orchestras and particularly to wonderful barroc music. I will never forget him.

  • What a wonderful man and a wonderful life. He will be remembered with great affection.

    Lady Marilyn Inglis
  • As a teenager growing up in the 70's I happened to hear Mozart's 'Serenata Notturna' on the radio one night played by the Academy of St. Martin's in the field under, as he was then Neville Marriner. I was my birthday two days later so I spent my birthday on their Lp which I played over and over again. My enduring love affair with Mozart's music had begun and continues to this day. Thank you so much for the music Sir Neville. Condolences to his family. Love, Robert and Amanda Roy

    Robert and Amanda Roy
  • The true mark of a great man is not how he relates to other great men but how he treats everyone else. Neville could indeed walk with Kings and still retain the common touch. His untiring grace and astonishingly sharp wit will live on in all that knew him, meaning that it's not just an incomparable musical legacy that he leaves behind. He will be much missed by many, including me.

    Alan Kerr
  • Sir Neville's brilliant musicianship touched the lives of millions. Singing in his Chorus (trained by another great, Laszlo Heltay) was a huge privilege and a joy. I saw a different side of him as a Director of the Academy Concerts Society - he was a pioneering entrepreneur and a skilled financier. Above everything else he loved his family and his extended family which included all of us. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

    Robert Key
  • Profundamente apenado por el deceso del gran maestro neville Martínez. Su estilo nos seguirá ir siempre

    Gustavo toledo
  • Sir Marriner has been the enlightment of my life as a musician. A legend with the greatest and most admirable musical integrity. Always and forever thankful,mes condoléances attristées, Caroline Murat (Haffner)

    Princess Murat (Haffner) Caroline
  • Very sad to learn of the death of Sir Neville Marriner. I have so enjoyed listening to the music played by the Academy of St Martin in the Fields which he founded and directed. Music has, and still does, give me enormous pleasure and has helped me at difficult times in my life.. I am very grateful to Sir Neville Marriner for the joy of wonderful music. May he rest in peace and his loved ones know he enriched the lives of so many people.

  • Will miss Neville's quick wit and humour and would like to thank him for over 30 yrs of music making. Also Molly and Nev were so generous especially at our cricket matches and receptions,he always made it such fun. Steve

    Stephen Orton
  • The academy has lost its right arm, rest now Sir Neville.

    Steve Griffiths. ( New Zealand)
  • Only a few weeks ago I had the privilege of having lunch with one of my musical heroes the great Sir Neville Marriner and Lady Marriner to discuss future plans for the Academy. For a man who could afford to rest on his laurels and past successes he was much more concerned with future concerts, giving opportunities to young artists and best of all inspiring musicians and audiences. I grew up listening to his recordings with the Academy and I imagined he might be a bit grand - instead he was charming, friendly and great fun. A true inspiration and I count my lucky stars that I had the opportunity to work with him ever so briefly. Last night the Academy performed at the Musikverein in Vienna without him, led by Tomo Keller and soloist Julia Fischer, for a performance I have no doubt he would have been very proud of. We missed him but we celebrated his wonderful music making and a life well lived.

    Alan Watt
  • I had the privilege of working with Neville when I was principal Bass in RAM Chamber Orchestra, 68-69. We played Strauss Metamorphosen and Pulcinella, and he invited string principals to his home, in Kensington, If I recall correctly, to rehearse and refine. He helped me out to my Land Rover with my Bass stool and stand, and we chatted, mainly about my future wife Jo! Neville was, without doubt, in a class of his own - though I don't think this modest man would have been the slightest bit bothered by that - he set the highest standards with the greatest love and kindness. I will never forget those precious, all too brief, moments we shared, and am proud to have known someone who achieved so much, so consistently well, and so lovingly. I extend my sincerest condolences to all his family, friends and colleagues. He will be missed, but never forgotten. Love to all.

    Tony Osborne
  • As a life-long record collector, the name of Sir Neville Marriner has always been a sign of performing excellence. It was a joy at Christmas 2013 to hear broadcast Sir Neville talking about his life and career with Sean Rafferty which I recorded and played to a group of friends who meet regularly for an evening of records during the winter months. A delightfully relaxed interview revealing Sir Neville's personality and humour. Our musical life is the poorer for his passing. With deepest sympathy to all the family.

    David Greening, King's Lynn, Norfolk
  • A sad day indeed. But let us be grateful that we have shared some knowledge of Sir Neville and his wonderful contribution to music and particularly for the creation of the Academy. A great man of music.

    Maureen Elton
  • As a very new supporter of the Academy, I regret I had not had the opportunity of meeting Sir Neville, but it is the wonderful way the music is played by the orchestra that he created that has drawn me in. He was clearly an extraordinary man and will be so greatly missed, but what a superb legacy he has left for us, and for future generations.

    Bobby Child
  • I heard Sir Neville speak at Dartington Summer School 2 or 3 years ago. He was vibrant , entertaining, knowledgeable and very humorous. I enjoyed his lecture enormously and thought I hope I'm like that at 90!!.

    wendy Reid
  • "To orchestrate is to lead" were Sir Neville's resounding comments at my graduation speech at IMD Business School in 1991. What an exemplary man, talent and true leader of people and passion. He will be sadly missed, but forever inspirational

    Jenny Tozer
  • The end of an era! A life lived to the full.

    Rosemary Rathbone
  • Sir Neville's work brought my wife and me great delight always. He was one of my heroes, both as human being and musician.

    Dr Christopher Rathbone
  • Sir Marriner's work is important to me on a personal level. His were some of the first classical music recordings that introduced me to the genre in an exciting way and ignited my curiosity to explore further. He leaves us not only those though, but also the great Academy of St Martin in the Fields orchestra, which he founded and brought to great prominence. The loss is deeply felt.

    Michał Lemanowicz
  • ook in Amsterdam gedenken ik Neville Marriner met respect en liefde. Ik herinner me nog zeer goed een aantal door hem gedirigeerde concerten... Altijd joviaal, altijd met een enorme precisie die enthousiasme niet uitsloot, integendeel! Neville Marriner hield in zekere zin grote schoonmaak; hij heeft velen de weg geplaveid naar een meer authentieke aanpak van muziek. Het ls uiteraard treurig dat hij er niet meer is, maar hij heeft met glans de leeftijd der sterken bereikt en was tot het bittere einde actief! Neville Marriner: heb dank!

    Gerard van der Leeuw
  • As someone who was raised to love music I am grateful for all that Sir Neville's gift brought to me and so many others. The heavenly choirs and orchestras have a new recruit !

    Rev John Penny
  • To the Family Thinking of you all at this sad time. He was a wonderful conductor.

    Judith Harris
  • Please accept our deepest sympathy. We are very much honoured and fortunate as he came regularly to Budapest performing with Academy at the Palace of Arts Müpa. Moreover he conducted also the Danubia Youth Symphony Orchestra in Budapest several years ago - the young musicians will never forget that wonderful experience! We will remember the great musician and great man for ever!

    Ildikó Gedényi
  • Energetic, active and engaging, Sir Neville touched all the hearts and minds of those present during his last visit here to Shanghai in the last orchestral season 2015/16 at symphony hall. All present witnessed a bravura display of direction befitting of a man half his age. It was a privilege to be there. Rest In Peace, Sir Neville, you brought so much pleasure to millions across the world.

    Peter Antonio Rossi
  • My deepest condolences to the Marriner family. Sir Neville Marriner's expression of talent filled my musical soul with joy through his direction of St. Martin in the Fields. Thank you!


  • I met Sir Neville after a Beethoven concert with the ASMF and Alfred Brendel at the Barbican in November 1996. I am from Sri Lanka, and he graciously autographed a Phillips CD set (his Mozart Symphonies), and the concert programme, which I still have. He spoke of his love for cricket (Sri Lanka had just won the World Cup). It doesn't seem like 20 years ago , and while it is disturbing to see the then-72 year old at 92 in the photo, it is good that he kept conducting until just 2 days before he passed away. I think it is not correct to mourn, as a life so distinguished, richly lived achieving legendary status in music over such an illustrious career should only be celebrated. The ASMF is his legacy, and long life and all success to you.

    Rajeev Aloysius
  • I have never met Sir Neville Marriner but I recognize him as a man of deep feelings and I want to send a message of condolence to his family. Thais Oswald, from Brazil.

    Thaís Oswald
  • More than any other conductor, Sir Neville's work has followed the course of my life, lifting me up when I required it, and keeping me there. His effort throughout the years made my own so much more joyful. Thank you sir, for that eternal gift.

    Gary R. Hall
  • So sorry to hear about the loss of Sir Neville Marriner - his recordings are the finest and set the standard! ?

    Donald Sifuentes
  • 敬愛的馬利納爵士, 願您在主的懷抱中得安息,願主安慰您的家人。 您的音樂豐富了我的人生,您所指揮的莫札特安魂曲、韓德爾彌賽亞,是我最喜歡的版本,陪伴我數不清的日日夜夜,謝謝您。

  • Neville Marriner was a giant in my musical life. My collection of recordings has more Marriner-conducted ASMF than any other single conductor and ensemble. No matter what piece of orchestral music I look for, a Marriner-conducted ASMF recording was a sure bet for high quality of both performance an production. I always admired the entrepreneurial spirit that Sir Neville brought to great orchestral music. Finally, as a resident of the Detroit, Michigan area, I am old enough to recall Sir Neville's residency with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, a great ensemble that produced some its finest performances under Sir Neville's baton. A bright light has gone out in the world of music, but ASMF lives on in excellence; this is his legacy.

    Scott Loney
  • Many happy memories spent with Sir Neville and Lady Marriner in the Gardens at Gosselford. Such huge kindness shown to the Sangster/Taylor family over many years. Our love to all the family at this very sad time.

    Mary & Susan Taylor
  • I can' find words to express my feelings. Thanks for many years of Great Music!!

    Larry Kunkel
  • Deepest condolences on the death of Sir Neville, my late father had the privilege of meeting him a few times and had the greatest admiration for him. I very much doubt that his distinguished career and immense talent will ever be equalled.

    Lucy Rowan
  • Vale Sir Neville Marriner. With the very sad passing of Sir Neville, I offer my deepest condolences to the Marriner and ASMF families. We are indebted to Sir Neville for this wonderful chamber orchestra.

    Beverly Cooper
  • His 90th birthday concert at the Royal Festival Hall is one of the best memories of my life. To meet him briefly, the following month, at the concert in Saint Martin in the Fields church was like a dream come true. Sir Neville Marriner was immensely talented and kindness personified. Although he is not among us anymore, his work will keep on inspiring music lovers everywhere. My condolences to his family and friends.

    Stella Rodrigues ( Paris, France )
  • Great conductor and interpreter of music from the classical period.

    Frank Grail
  • My heart goes out to you, the people he loved and lived for. Our lives have been enriched unto eternity for his vision and dedication to the beautiful music he was much a part of making happen. Thank you for sharing his time and talent with us, truly it's been a pleasure to've been a part of his life from the comfort of our homes and wherever his tours took him. Thank you, God Bless you all, Celia Gonzales

    Celia Gonzales
  • The world of music is a little less full on this day. Sir Neville Marriner to me represented the epitome of classical and symphonic music, I have through the years spent many working hours listening to the music Sir Neville Marriner, he and his orchestra made my work a little less stressful and much more productive. God speed Sir Neville

    Willard Groover
  • He inspired not one, but many generations of music lovers... Now that's an epitaph! Sir Neville Marriner... Thank You!

    Steve Ashton
  • I was introduced to Sir Neville and the Academy by the outstanding soundtrack from the film, "Amadeus" - such an extraordinary achievement. Thank you for the many wonderful hours of listening pleasure. My sincere condolences to the family on your loss.

    Paul Morris (Australia)
  • our deepest sympathy to the family..He was a great man.

    Michael & Marietta Giorgetti
  • As a founder member of the Academy Chorus I was so privileged to enjoy some of my most memorable musical experiences under the baton of and with Neville. What a lovely, genuine and truly inspirational man. Thank you Sir Neville. May I offer my sincere condolences to Lady Marriner and the family for your loss. Margaret

    Margaret Houston
  • Sir Neville and the Brilliant musicians of the ASMF have always given me great inspiration and an enormous amount of listening pleasure since my first encounters of their recordings of Corelli, Vivaldi, Handel, Bach to name a few...... I have always been impressed by the precision playing that the ASMF achieves, long may it continue, and thank you so very very much I am greatly indebted to you all. With condolences, James Hutton Violinist RLPO

    James Hutton violinist RLPO
  • A great loss for all lovers of classical music. Thank you for giving me so many great moments listening to The Academy. R. I. P.

    Marit Rundberg, Norway
  • We are all in mourning for Sir Marriner!

    Eurico (Brazil)
  • As part of his international audience, I would like to extend my condolences to his family and to all at St. Martin in the Field. We thank you for your music which has been a happy part of our life from the beginning. Please accept our sympathy.

    Phyllis Aqui/Anwar
  • it was a great shock to hear about the passing of Sir Neville. We grew up listening to his fantastic recordings with 'The Academy' and we couldn't imagine living without his music. On occasions we saw him in conversation and really enjoyed his stories, always told with great humour. We last saw him at his 92nd birthday concert at Cadogan Hall. He inspired the performers and audience with his energy and vitality to create a wonderful concert, received with rapturous appplause and cheers from the audience. We were rewarded with a typically charming and witty speech and a lovely performance of Londonderry Air. All in all, a treasued memory. We will always enjoy his recordings. An irreplaceable musical giant. Our sincere condolences to his wife and family. Nick & Hilary Oliver

    Nick Oliver
  • Fortunate to meet Sir Neville during my time at KCL. Completely overwhelmed by his generosity to enchanted music students throughout his career. A true gift to us in the world.

    Louise Martin
  • I have heard Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields in the Kuppelsaal of Hanover in 2014. And was deeply moved by his interpretation of the Haffner Symphony and the 20th Piano concerto by Mozart together with trifonov and the final work on the program the Nelson mass by Haydn. I'm lucky to have seen him conduct these great masterpieces of the classical period. He was one of the great conductors of our time. One thing I will never forget is that he after the Hanover concert smiled to the audience and waved very friendly. He will be missed.

    Rasmus Himmelmann
  • SIr Neville's music brought many hours of pleasure to me over the years.

    patricia spencer
  • I am extremely sad to hear the news of Sir Neville´s passing and would like express my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

    Héctor J. Alfonso
  • I just attended the ASMF concert in Vienna, dedicated to the memory of its founder and passed director. It has been one of the most touching concerts ever heard in the Musikverein. The audience will, apart from the exquisit performance of julia Fischer with the violin concerto of Brahms and the other outstandingly performed pieces, ever remember the last piece played as an encore, a british or scottish song that was a prefered piece to Sir Neville Mariner' heart. I 'm gratful that I could be a part of the mourning and will remember this great musician for ever. Thank You for bringing music to our senses and hearts!

  • I am a better person because of music, and I know music because of Sir Neville Marriner. The world is a worst place, because he left us. But he also told us to KEEP GOING. Wherever he's going, we'll him there.

    Ramon Passolas
  • I am very saddened by the passing of Sir Neville Marriner. In 1988 he inspired my love to classical music- having got a last minute ticket in East Berlin, I saw and listened to something I never forget: Neville Marriner conducting the Academy with so much joy, so much precision- being the most youthful, joyful in music and passionate orchestra I ever saw and heard playing. And - Neville Marriner was clearly in charge of conducting, but one could feel the deep friendship he had with everyone playing. That kept me coming back almost every year to the concerts of the Academy- and certainly I will keep coming there. I am sad we won't see Sir Neville conducting again, but I will always remember him when listening to his recordings and listening to a concert of the Academy! Thank you Sir Neville Marriner!

    Heiko Witte
  • His recordings made me a happy listener to music from the baroque period when I was a student in the 1960s.

  • I sang in the ASMF Chorus for a good many years and have far too many memories to recount here. I NEVER once hear Neville say a cross word to anyone; quite the opposite: he was kind, encouraging, inspirational and fun. I deputised as Chorus Master for Lazslo a few times and Neville treated me with the utmost respect. There was one glorious moment that I recall: an overly enthusiastic new chorus member raised his hand and said "Er Maestro...." (the rest of us would have said "Nev" or "Neville"...). Quick as a flash he replied: "What do you want - a solo?". Result - general merriment. Another was after he had rehearsed the chorus un a passage after which he said to the orchestra: "right, let's see how we csn mess it up". Of course we

    Rod McPhee
  • RIP MAESTRO. I learned from you a lot.I have been growing up listening to your recordings.Great thanks . Your music will stay with me forever.

    Mikolaj Lewkowicz-cellist OCM Portugal
  • My thanks to Sir Neville for the years of magic he gave us with his music. My condolences to the Marriner family, and to the ASMF family.

    John Polhamus
  • My deepest sympathies, and also immense gratitude for Sir Neville's remarkable contribution to music.

    Claudia Spies
  • What an enormous, joyful and life enhancing experience it was being a soprano in the Academy chorus in the late 80s/ early 90's. Such a special time. I have never worked under a conductor who built up such a wonderful relationship with his chorus and especially between the chorus and orchestra. We were one enormously happy team which meant we had as much fun on the stage as we did post concert!! One very happy memory was a rehearsal at St John's for the Elijah recording when the gentlemen of the chorus turned up in white polo shirts and stripy shirts and Neville's face was an absolute picture, priceless. I was very lucky to be the sop soloist in a zitsprobe rehearsal of The Creation, what a truly beautiful, thrilling if nerve wracking experience. Nev was so generous and gracious to a young wannabee soprano that I just had a thoroughly memorable evening that will stay with me for ever. He was a phenomenal musician but an even greater human being, I hope my Dad will be loving his music making with him and the celestial choir. God Bless. xxxx

    Louise McPhee ( Hemmings)
  • He is my father's and my favorite conductor. I love Respighi because of him. My deepest condolences to his family.

    Lada Šoptrajanova
  • Sending my heartfelt condolences to Sir Neville's family on their sad loss. Sir Neville you were a great talented musician and founder of Academy of St. Martin in the Fields who touched the lives of so many people around the World. R.I.P.

    Renee Stuart
  • We have lost a great musician and an even greater man. May he rest in peace.

    Udo Mährmann
  • Deeply sad with the news that Sir Neville Marriner passed away. One of my favorite orchestra conductors! My thoughts are with the Marriner family. Paula Bolito, Matosinhos/Portugal

    Paula Bolito (Portugal)
  • Deeply sad with the news that Sir Neville Marriner passed away. One of my favorite orchestra conductors! My thoughts are with the Marriner family. Paula Bolito Matosinhos/Portugal

    Paula Bolito (Portugal)
  • I consider him with high regards. He was a genius among classical artists such as Beethoven, Rachmaninov and others. I has miss his unique style of music interpretation and leadership behind the podium. May his legacy reign through the ages. A great loss. My condolences to all who loved him. George O Grant Tyler, Texas (USA)

    George O Grant (United States-Tyler, Texas)
  • As a child living in poverty in the US, I listened to radio broadcasts of St Martin's concert recordings. I remember being moved and inspired by this glorious music!

    Corisa Aaronson
  • Also for me Sir Neville was the introduction to classical music since the early seventies. I bought many of his records and attended several concerts, both in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. In 1974 he performed Verklärte Nacht by Schönberg in a fairy-like decor in De Doelen in Rotterdam. I owe him a lot, may he rest in peace.

    Ruud Veldkamp
  • In memoriam of the intrepid soul who revived the performance of the Baroque in England and around the world. Thank you for this magnificent contribution to all of us who love to listen. I offer my condolences, sympathy and prayers.

    Michael Barnard
  • Please accept my deepest condolences on the passing of your beloved Sir Neville Marriner. His name is synonymous with superbly conducted classical performances that will go down in history. His name will never be forgotten for he was a treasure. Kind regards, Arlene Johnson United Kingdom

    Arlene Johnson, Publisher/Author
  • My deepest condolences to Molly and the family. My time singing in the Chorus holds such fabulous memories of friends, places and the inspiration of Sir Neville. The Mozart C Minor Mass tour when I sang both 1st Sop in the first week, and 2nd Sop in the second week, and even got to play in the band during a rehearsal much to Sir Neville's amusement. Thank you Sir xx

    Sharron Bowen-Davies
  • Deeply saddened to hear of Neville's passing. His concerts with the Orchestra of St Cecilia in Dublin were memorable occasions and he inspired outstanding playing from the orchestra. He will be remembered with great warmth and affection. Our deepest symparhy to Molly and his family.

    Lindsay Armstrong, Orchestra of St Cecilia
  • You have my deep sympathy.

    Margot Schmaeh
  • Thinking of Neville and the family, especially Andrew, whom I remember so well from my Academy Chorus days. Also the wider family of the ASMF. It was wonderful to sing for Neville - the concerts had the most incredible life, spirit and finesse. it was a true privilege to be involved. I remember the fun we had in rehearsals, his sense of humour, the occasion of his 68th birthday in Dublin when we adapted a chorus from the Messiah to wish him a happy birthday and sang it to him. So many happy memories and the feeling that even as a humble chorus member I was acknowledged and a part of things. It is the end of an era , but I am sure that in the Beyond, Neville will be welcomed with a standing ovation. Love to you all, Tia

    Tia Kuchmy
  • With my deepest condolences and gratitude to this great master musician and human being. Sincerely yours

    Fernando Silió Martínez
  • I was very sad to hear the news of dear Sir Neville's death. His wonderful recordings were a huge part of my childhood and 40 years on still remain firm favourites. As a child I remember feeling very proud that I had the same name as the saint after which the academy was named! "Soave sia il vento" Sir Neville...may gentle winds guide you safely on your new journey.

    Martin Stace
  • Sir Neville was my introduction to classical music many decades ago. I never met him or really knew him, but I loved him.

  • I am a Brazilian who made a part of his musical education by listening some recordings of Sir Neville Marriner conducting brilliantly the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. I was very sad to list tho his passing away happened on Oct 2nd . May he rest in peace after living great memories to us our admirers in this world.

    Wilson Guimarães Cavalcanti
  • Sir Neville will have joined his friends in eternity, I'm sure of that. One cannot praise his musical work enough, his career and oevre simply are too valuable for that. We can only be greatfull for a life in music that has inspired so many of us listeners.

    Erwin Dijkstra
  • Goodbye to the man who changed the face of classical music and breathed new life into Mozart's legacy for many generations to come. Glad to have shared this lifetime with him. My sincere condolences to his loved ones.

    Frederick Featham
  • The movie Amadeus brought me to classical music. The beautiful music played by the Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields conducted by Sir Neville Marriner. Maestro Marriner was one the best conductors of the 20th century. His performance of Handel's Messiah in Dublin with the Academy will always be a wonderful remembrance of this great conductor. May he rest in the Peace and rejoice in the Mercy and Forgiveness of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ!

    Lothar Jorra
  • So sorry to hear the news about Neville. I ,(Margaret), sang in the chorus for over twenty years and loved the concerts, recording sessions and the trips. I remember my first trip to Germany and being sung Happy Birthday by everyone at the start of the rehearsal. It was a wonderful experience. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. With love and best wishes, from Margaret and Richard

    Margaret and Richard Hammerton
  • Desde Buenos Aires mis sentidas condolencias . Fue un grande. Que descanse en paz!

    edda oluva
  • Always utterly professional, authoritative, sensitive and delightful. Sadly missed.

    Adrian Vernon Fish
  • My wife and me had the great pleasure to visit the concerts of Sir Neville in Cologne for the last 7 years. We wanted to see him again on October 9th with the academy. We are deeply saddened by his death. He was one the greatest musicians of the last 100 years. His spirit and his work will live on in our hearts. Angelika Speigl and Peter Mecking

    Dr. Peter Mecking
  • Thank you Sir Neville Marriner for life long memories of beautiful music and rich happy times of wonderful listening. Hendersonville, N.C. USA

    Larry & Jacquelyn Branscum
  • Thank you very much. I was happy. You changed my life. You made my life something abundant. I don't leave you forever. Thank you very much from mind. The maestro who loves and respects him.

    hidetaka goto
  • Deeply sad! But all his wonderful, inspiring, humorous and warm-hearted recordings will always stay in my mind. Thank you very much, Sir Neville!

  • Profoundly touched by the passing away of Sir Neville Marriner, I wish to express my sadness caused by this actuality. I have been falling in love with his interpretation of the " Four Seasons " d'Antonio Vivaldi" during the spring of 1971, with the Acadamy of Saint Martin's in the Field ! After that momentvI have continued to follow him in his peregrenations and recordings... I wish all of you a great lot of courage Ines van der Smit-Korbee

    Ines van der Smit
  • When I first became interested in classical musc some 42 years ago, the gold standard for chamber orchestras was the ASMIF under the direction of Sir Neville Marriner. Through the yeaurs that reality never varied. I owe countless hours of pleasure, emotion and engagement to this great man and the players he led. I have fond memories, to, of hearing the Academy perform live. My life was made richer and better by Sir Neville's contributions to music. I offer sincere sympathy to his family.

    John MacLeod
  • When I was learning about classical music from the radio as a teen in the 1980s, the name that came up more than any other was Sir Neville's. He personified the world of music to me then, as he does in my memory today.

    Christian Rishel
  • One of my best classical musical experience was the concert in 2007 january in Palace of Arts Budapest hearing this wonderful orchestra conducted by the great musician who founded it. Although I had the chance to hear the world's best orchestras, it was the best performance I have ever heard, making music on the highest level: lovely chamber(!) music with the highest professionalism in such symphonic works like Kodály Galanta dances, Dvorák's Violin Concerto and Mendelssohn Italian Symphony. (Here is my review of the concert: I have never heard such wide scale of articulation, nuances, timbres. I will never forget this concert and never forget you, Sir Neville, who were so kind in the telephone when I made an interview with you few years later. A great musician passed away, one of the greatest. I thank you all Sir Neville, you will live in my memories!

    Tamás Várkonyi (Hungary)
  • I never met Neville but feel I owe him a very large debt of gratitude for the continuing pleasure he, and the ASMF, has brought me over the past forty years. My condolences to his family

    Tom Wall
  • A suitcase bursting at the seams full of multi-coloured memories, chuckles galore, and awe, so much warmth and authenticity. The occasional steely stare, the unmistakeable flair. Great times. Such sweet thunder. Thank you Neville, for every single moment, every molecule of music and every particle of fun..

    Miranda Playfair
  • Of course, as a citizen of Philadelphia, PA, I know Nevile only through his recordings. The elegance, grace, and (where appropriate) power he elicited are unsurpassed. To mention just a few of my treasured CDs: his group's accompaniment to Barry Tuckwell in the Mozart Horn Concertos, their rendition of "Zadok the Priest," Handel's Rpyal Fireworks and Water Musician, and Handel's Concerti Grossi, which have a delightful regal tread which surpasses any early-instrument version I've heard. A wonderful and convincing musician of the "centrist, early-music" persuasion. The CD's he left behind will be an enduring testimonial to wonderful musicianship. I also enjoy his unassuming and witty self-depiction of himself as like an "actor with a speech defect," Music benefited greatly from his motivation to take up conducting.

    Ralph West (233 Rex Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118)
  • I loved watching you and listening when we visited London and St.Martins. for many years. Thank you , SIR Neville , You will be missed. James, N.Y.C..

    James Ferrara
  • sing a Requiem to this man's gentle gestures may he rest in peace

  • Thank you for giving and sharing your musical knowledge with the world. You will be surley missed. ❤

    Quinton Loock
  • I was only a junior bass in the ASMF chorus in the '80s but enjoyed quite a few great concerts and wonderful tours with Sir Neville. I remember his superlative musicianship and professionalism but always with a smile, imbuing a sense of fun into everything- a truly charismatic leader. I send my condolences to family and friends and will treasure my happy memories of Sir Neville and ASMF for many years to come.

    James Pitman
  • I never met Sir Neville, but he did awaken my interest in chamber music through his recordings. My condolences go out to his family and friends, including those friends who only new him through his music. The world of music, and the world in general is poorer for his passing.

    Ray Hindle
  • Love so many of his recordings, particularly La Cenerentola. Loved, & had such fun singing with the ASMF. Loved that he conducted such a terrific 90th at RFH. Loved his red socks. Loved that he had such a super life. RIP

  • Thank you for enriching my life and for enabling me to pass on a love of music to my children. Last night at orchestra I played for you.

    Gillian Stern
  • Sad news. He 'introduced' me to the genious of Mozart some years ago when I bought a vinyl album. Still have it.

  • I will treasure Sir Neville's magical way of music-making in which he combined transparency, precision and interpretational texture with a unique "listening" quality of all the players involved under his baton. While I have never had the chance to meet Sir Neville personally, his wit, his deep passion for music as well as his humanity shone through in every interview and not least in his music-making. Some of my most prized possessions are records of my favorite works by Rossini he did with the Academy: I cannot express how much joy they have brought me. Thank you, Sir Neville, I will keep your music in my heart. My condolences to the Marriner family.

    Elisabeth Roedler
  • I was privileged to hear the Academy and the Maestro twice in Vienna. R.I.P. and thank you.

  • With a heavy heart I would like to extend to the family I grew up listening to Sir Marrinner and his gifts to the world of classical music. My late father used to put on his creations and they put a unique calmness to the house He will be sorrily missed and I am sure heaven now has his gift

  • Sir Neville a fondé un ensemble musical absolument unique au monde ! De plus, il a dirigé jusqu'à l'extrême limite de ses forces et, pour cela, mérite doublement l'admiration de tous et de chacun ! Reposez en paix, cher Sir Neville, et MERCI à vous !...

    Bernard Cassassus (from France)
  • So sad to have heard today -Tuesday - that Maestro Marriner is not with us any more. He was amazing. I have all his Mozart Symphonies and Piano Concertos and more. My sincere condolences with all his close family and friends and the Academy members - the orchestra which he started in his lounge...

    Leon Mare
  • Sad sad sad... I will miss him, but I am sure he will live on through the music he loved and directed. He was the best, He was the Music. Ciao Neville.

  • I am so grateful to have lived at the same time as Sir Neville Marriner. He shared his love of music with so many of us and since my student days made it accessible to those of us who shared that love. Thank you! He is already missed.

    Deborah Bishop
  • As a young actor, performing alongside the Academy in Beatrice and Benedict at the Fesitval Hall in the late 'eighties, I was mesmerised by Sir Neville's rapport with the orchestra during rehearsal. The mutual affection and respect was tangible. For that brief encounter I am extremely grateful. I send my best wishes and condolences to the family.

    Hugh Bonneville
  • May the singular musical life and legacy of luminary Sir Neville Marriner burn in our hearts forever. I was deeply inspired by Sir Neville's live concert in Nashville and his Mozart recordings in the film "Amadeus". The juxtaposition of Salieri's pitch-damnation with Mozart's brilliantly expressed luminescent music, was pure genius. Thank you, Sir Neville Marriner, and God bless your memory and musical legacy.

    Nicholas Wing
  • Thank you for the chance to post these remarks here. I grew to love classical and symphonic music at an early age but never made much beyond a cursory exploration until WCRB out of Boston introduced me one afternoon to Sir Neville Marriner and the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. From that point on, I gave priority to any recording or performance featuring either, and my life has been immeasurably improved for the experience. Here's to a life well-lived and a career and legacy that will live on for many generations.

    Bryan McMillan
  • I remember concerts he conducted with ASMF in Amsterdam and Haarlem (The Netherlands) These concerts were an unforgetable experiance May he rest in peace

    Frans van Heijningen
  • He will be with us forever through the wonders he gave to all of us who love great music.

    Frank J. Brenner
  • It is my greatest honor to meet Sir Neville Marriner in his Macau debut this year. I talked with Sir Marriner for a while. I could not contain myself. What a fabulous night! I finally got this opportunity to tell Sir Marriner my deep thanks. "You are the reason why I love classical music." Thanks, Sir Marriner. Rest In Peace.

    Harry Han
  • My condolences to his family A great man and musician,

    wendy bonner
  • Sincere condolence. Sir Neville was an inspiration. We will always treasure the memories of seeing him conduct in Dublin over the years.

    Noel Hillis
  • Fluya su alma hacia El Eterno como el rio Tamesis hacia la Mar en compañía de Jorge Federico Handel.

    Javier de Vicente
  • Was very saddened to hear of Sir Neville's death. What a great life & legacy he has left behind. Must be a comfort to the family to know that his life here ended so peacefully

    Hilary Pye
  • A wonderful man who we only saw once at his 90th birthday event in London. One could tell he was a real charmer, as well as being a star performer.

    Jeremy & Debbie Bull
  • My heartfelt condolences, His work will remain forever inspirational.

    Duncan Ward
  • I was very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of a great man; his energy and drive and of course his prodigious talent were and are inspirational. I am very sorry for your loss

    Fionnuala McCredie
  • So terribly sad. I saw him at the proms a couple of years ago. His energy was amazing. I thought he would live forever.

    Helen Jackman
  • You will always stay with us with your excellent recordings

    Wilfried Wellens/ Belgium
  • "Przychodząc na świat, płaczemy,
    inni się śmieją.
    Umierając,śmiejmy się,
    niech płaczą inni."/Wolter
    Maestro,spoczywaj w pokoju!

    Lila Owsik
  • I am so sad. I went to his concert with The Academy of St. Martins in the Fields at Tokyo and Osaka this April. Two years ago, I saw him and he gave me an autograph with CD of Ralph Vaughan Williams Symphony No.5 and 6 on Collins Classics. He said to me with smiling, "It is my favourite photo" on back jacket picture. This CD and a memory with him are my treasures. Sir Neville, RIP.

    Hiro Baba
  • Condolences to all his family. - A brilliant musician and conductor

    Alun Cooke
  • Condolences to his family. May he rest in peace

    Patti Zook
  • I am heartbroken; he was ~ and is ~ my favorite. My thoughts are with his family and the beautiful Academy of St Martin in the Fields orchestra

    Christy Doumas
  • Neville Marriner was the one who first got me interested in serious music. His Decca recordings with ASMF in the1960s took me to another world, and shaped my musical tastes from then on.I shall always remember 'Nev and the gang', as I called them. I only saw them perform live once [with Brendel], but it is a memory I shall always treasure. Thank you Neville, and rest in peace.

    Andrew Cameron
  • Sir Neville Marriner was someone I have looked up to from the time I started piano lessons in London as a child and have followed my lifetime. I will miss him very much

    Sandra Hilliard
  • Terrible noticia para los admiradores de Sir Neville y la maravillosa Academia Saint Martín . Qué descanse en paz y muchísimas gracias por la música!

    Edda Oliva
  • So very sorry for your loss and prayers are with you all, and especially his family!

    KareRuth Steiner
  • Such sad news. Feel privileged to have known him and been a small part of the Academy family. Fond memories always.

    Elise Akseralian
  • Sir Neville shall live on in my mind's eye as the best conductor with whom I had the privilege of playing. His memory will always be a sweet melody.

    John Hopmann
  • Deeply saddened. My condolences to the St. Martin in the Fields family and to all those who have been moved by the Maestro's artistry.

    Craig Hammersmith
  • I am listening to Sir Neville's and Iona Brown's rendition of Lark Ascending as I post this. Thank you for decades of wonderful performances and recordings.

    Randall DiGiuseppe
  • Thank you Sir Neville for being so pivotal and inspirational to my life by opening doors to the enjoyment and love of classical music. May God bless you and give you peace forever.

    Patrick Kelly
  • Rest in peace, Gran Maestro!

    Lykos Ettalremmos

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