Support our work in the United States!
Our Mission
The American Friends of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with the mission of supporting the orchestra’s work in the U.S.
With over 30 annual performances in the U.S., the Academy has a close relationship with American audiences. Our annual tours include stops in New York, Boston, Miami, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. Financial and organizational support from the American Friends make our extensive American concert season possible. For more information on the Academy’s U.S. concert season, visit What’s On.
As a member of the American Friends, you can enjoy a special relationship with one of the world’s greatest chamber orchestras.
American Friends Enjoy…
- Invitations to private events with the orchestra and Music Director, Joshua Bell
- A full package of tickets and hospitality to Academy concerts
- Invitations to post-concert receptions with Academy musicians
- Invitations to attend rehearsals in the U.S.
- Advanced notice of all Academy concerts and events
- Personalized booking assistance
- Annual American Friends newsletter
- Prominent crediting of your support in Academy programs
- And much more!
Join Now!
Gifts can be made online via PayPal, or by check with our membership form. As a 501(c)(3), donations are tax deductible.
To find out more, contact:
Georgina Hamilton
Development Manager (American Friends)
The American Friends of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields is an independent non-profit corporation with tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax deductible as and to the extent permitted under applicable law.
Find out more about how you can support our work here.
Support the American Friends
To donate by check, please complete the membership form
American Friends of the Academy of St Martin in the Fields
c/o 240 S. Reynolds St, #203
Alexandria, VA 22304